John Shaw

Liberal Democrat candidate for MP for Basingstoke Learn more

Good News

by John Shaw on 25 October, 2010

The planning application reported in the Autumn 2010 edition of Brookvale and Kings Furlong Focus for the A&E Builders yard in Deep Lane has been rejected. John Shaw supported local residents in objecting to plans to convert the yard into a row of houses.

Planning Officers rejected the application because:

“The proposed development, by virtue of the layout, scale and positioning of the building within the plot, resultant lack of amenity/landscaped space and unsatisfactory bin storage facilities would result in an overdevelopment of this plot evidenced by the unsatisfactory and cramped form of development that would be out of keeping and fail to respect the established character and pattern of development in the locality.  As such the proposal would fail to respond to the context and setting of the area.  The proposal would therefore be contrary to Policies E1 (i), (v), (vi) of the Basingstoke and Deane Borough Local Plan 1996-2011 and the council’s Design and Sustainability Supplementary Planning Document – Appendix 7 ‘Places to Live’ (2008).

The proposed development due to its orientation, bulk,  massing and positioning of windows in close proximity to the northern boundary would result in an unsatisfactory and overbearing building relationship with the neighbouring property (namely No.3 Deep Lane) to the detriment of the amenities and privacy which the occupants thereof might reasonably expect to enjoy.  As such the proposal would be contrary to Policy E1(i), (vii) of the Basingstoke and Deane Borough Local Plan 1996-2011.

It has not been demonstrated that adequate provision can be made on this site for the parking of vehicles in a satisfactory manner.  As such, the proposed development would be likely to encourage the parking of vehicles on the public highway which would interrupt the free flow of traffic and thereby add to the hazards of road users at this point.  As such the proposal is contrary to Policy E1(iii) of the Basingstoke and Deane Borough Local Plan 1996-2011.

The proposals fail to reduce the dependency on car use and encourage the use of alternative modes of transport by failing to make adequate provision for secure cycle parking facilities within the site or in the immediate vicinity.  As such the proposal is contrary to Policy A2 of the Basingstoke and Deane Adopted Local Plan 1996-2011.

The proposed development is unsatisfactory and contrary to Policies C1, C9 and A2 of the Basingstoke and Deane Borough Local Plan 1996-2011, in that, in the absence of any suitable legal agreements, the development does not make adequate provision for infrastructure contributions in relation to play areas/recreation, playing fields, community facilities and Basingstoke Environmental Strategy for Transport (BEST). “

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